Webiste update
We have now have Paypal working correctly and figured out UPS shipping. If you live in Canada the USPS should be running soon. Thank you for the support
Apr 9th 2020
Accounts and Pre-orders
We hope all of you are safe and practicing social distancing and laying low in general. I believe this is helping our country and perhaps we are reaching an Apex here in NY, but time will tell. Our prayers go out to everyone affected by this horrible virus.We are back in the office with a couple of people shipping orders every other day. While we were at home we built a new website. Please re-bookmark our new site. We were not able to migrate our registered customers information over. This was a
Apr 7th 2020
Atlantis Moves to a new Website!
During the COVID-19 Pandemic here in NY we have been working hard on a new website. The website as you can see has a new lighter look. Gone are the dark backgrounds and bright text. We have included in the products many more details about each kit including the recommended paints and measurements of each product and more photos. We are confident you will enjoy these new enhancements. Look for some exciting new content and as always some great new kits from Atlantis!All our kits are made right he
Apr 2nd 2020